Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Current Callendar of Events in the New Year

1st of Ferandis:
-Party meets each other in Port Lyss
-leftnote at Serpent’s Pub
-choose the “Tunnel Job”, head right towards it
-Cleric falls into sink hole; Zilvra buys a draught to help out the dwarf
-Find house Mosaics and Masks of Drow Houses
-Stayed in cavern and attacked by large spiders
-Returned to surface for rewards and information and items from Orphans
-Received Missive, went to mansion house of Ignatious Madrigal; met pudgy balding human man
-Return to retire at the Fox & Hellhouse pub, look for Raven’s Guild contact in Port Venn
                * Find Zitka (orc) Raven’s guild contact in Port Lyss
3rd: Rest
-Return to the Manor; Bald Madrigal replaced with younger Madrigal
-Asks party for a favor (a job); will pay for information with money, also wants another Merchant’s reputation ruined (given time limit)
-Return back down to Pit; clear out cave
-1000 exp at end of session
-Head back down into spider cave/sinkhole
-defeat large cave spider and find secret door behind it, leads to 2nd Basement level
-return to surface
6th: Hire Gyles (Rouge) as a trap finder for 2gp per day, double if there is fighting
-Back into hole, discover strange prayer markers
-Witch uses all spells, must return to entrance
8th: Back into the sinkhole again
-fight trogladite, find strange checkered floor and dead bodies of drow, room of spirals carved into the living rock, firetrap and another set of stairs leading down under an alter to the Lady of the Bones
-exit cave and return to town
9th: Travel to Port Venn for Madrigal’s job in a carriage to make it there on time.
11th: Arrive at Port Venn in the evening
-Current head of city is Duke Hering Gare, taxed to enter city
-Orrous Bolber – Main Gate Authority
-Indil Bolber – Main Dock Authority
-find lodging at the Wench’s Cauldron
12th : Zilvra and Rire go to Oreiska House to find information, fail
-Velve and Mero hole up in the Bronze Cask to discuss things
13th: Meet with Lord Madrigal, discover he would like to ruin the slave merchant named Gray H Barne (human)
·         wants him to be embarrassed through Oreiska House if possible
14th : go to Madrigal to get money for plan
·         Need 12 doses of poison, given 400gp to hire poisoner
·         Gyles hires the poisoner – Basic/300 Advanced/700 Untraceable/1000
·         Zilvra and Mero go to speak with Edward Coats (potter, human)
·         Dwarf and Velve go to speak with Doble Arnson to try to remove Coats’ Debt to him,; convince him of the contract being done
15th: Go to Petal Districk and convince an old and “blind” House slave to help in the plan
16th: Poison is delivered to Madrigal’s estate.
·         1 dose to Coats to place in Barne’s Care
·         11 to Giles to pass on
o    10 to the House slave – She gains her freedom for this
o    1 to the poisoner
-20 GP to Gyle’s stipend
-wait till 5 PM for results
17th: *Gather information check* Rumours of the Duke being almost fatally poisoned
18th Duke is questioning people and even the Dwarf winds up getting questioned
-Gyles sent out to gather info on if party needs to hide.
21st: Barne’s Trial is held, he is found guilty. There is  congratulatory feast held by Madrigal (under separate pretenses)
22nd: Go to the House of the Ninth Wonder

·         Enter Fidget
-tells adventurers of a way into the Underdark
·         by going through Hammerfel Below
·         Need a magical disrupter to get through the shield on Berandus Under
·         Black Vaults of Ivendal will have prisoner manifests
-Fidget needs a favor however – find a trumpet for her which comes with a keystone and book
-sent missive to Madrigal about payment for job
23rd: Receive missive to Fall Ball and clothes from Madrigal
-Ball @ 10PM in Port Venn
-Meet Ymestrea, a powerful wizard who lives on the coast
-Ymestrea has information – Ghouls near the forest of silence
-Return to the Bronze Bucket
24th: Leave Port Venn to attack the ghouls
25th: Day of travel – awake to thick/heavy fog, continue to travel
26th: Awakem to Ghoul attack – adventurer’s asses kicked soundly
-pay Gyles 18gp for helping
27th: Walk of Shame back
28th: Arrive in Port Venn to stay at an inn
29th: Sell items in city and report to a local Chant
·         5 ghouls dead, fog cleared out
·         No response – Job for Bishops
30th: Missive from Madrigal to guard a Dwarven Ale Merchant
-head out to do so
2nd: Return caskets of ale to Madrigal – 80 gp to each person
3rd: leave to check on ghoul problem
-make camp and setup watch
4th: Discover Smoke coming from the forest – party investigates
-meet crazy lady in moving house with chicken legs
-must meet her at Zilvra’s behest, enter house
-leave house and appear outside of the Estates of the Late Lord Barad Linethil
5th: Advance towards the castle
·         Lose Gyles in the manor
·         Find stairs with moss on them
·         Pit of Death below – Spike pit (dusted with Vampire spawn dust)
·         Zilvra falls and dies in the pit
·         “Light mummy” explodes – 1d10 pts. Str. Dmg.
·         Enter Lyssdionk, “Liz” (rouge)
-hide in tunnels and preform long term care to those who are affected
8th: Move forwards and find Vampire Zilvra
·         Try to fight and cannot, Bishops arrive
·         Bishops destroy Vampire Zilvra and cure party of vampirism and lead them out
9th: Travel to Tevin’s Cross
-Owl bears seen, but avoided
10th: Arrive @ Tevin’s Cross
-Cross River Tord on ferry (cost 5 gp)
-Rire finds out about Izhus, (elvin Stargazer, cleric of Desna)
-arrive at Alland Family Turnip Farm (30 acres)(update to 40 acres so that it is ¼ mi. squared)
-spend the night; Grandma Alland doesn’t allow any stealing in her house and has mithril knives on hand to prevent such
11th: Journey back to Tevin’s Cross from the farm
-Investigate the Black (Sorceress) Tower
·         Mostly rubble
·         Find strange levers and Rire pulls it
·         Tower shifts 5 stories upwards revealing basement below
·         Basement covered in gold plates with pictograms
·         Pictograms show drow matrons and tower scenes
·         Scripture of the beauty is found as well
·         Language familiar, but Velve and Liz can’t figure it out
-venture to top floor of tower; cause a scene
-12 local Bishops are called to investigate, 200 people stand around gawking
·         Plan A – Hide and wait to escape the tower with rope
·         Plan B – Defend and fight way out when out numbered
-fight until knocked unconscious
16th: Wake up imprisoned @ Port Lyss
-Meet Lady Esdeaths
-told to go to Beryl and steal the Royal Roll Book
-arcane bonds placed on wrists to prevent from going astray; blow up if it does happen
-agree to terms and take ship upriver
17th: Arrive in Beryl Midday
-go to Architect Guild
-Meet Grand Master Archibald
-steal map of Beryl and Palace, make copies
-attempt to make forged writs of entrance; fail
-contact Raven’s Guild and sent to Estal (the asshole), 12 year old girl who is a master forger
·         she promises writs in exchange for the Royal Treasury Seal
18th: Try to return original maps to guild
·         (table incident)
·         fire in the construction wing
-Velve gathers information on gunpowder council
-Use writs from Lady Esdeaths to enter into the Palace on “Official Bishop Business”
-head towards the Financial office with “stolen” stoles
·         See long gallery painting of all the rulers of Pernishia starting with Warrior Queen Elita
-meet with Vyncent Berellius
·         King’s younger Brother and the Exchequer; blood type AB
·         Shown Treasury Seal and memorize opening pattern on strings (Green/Gold/Black)
·         Hear about 16 year agreement about to come to end with Bishops (Find House Lyons Heir or be disbanded)
·         See Tapestry of the Blue Dragon
-Venture into Library
·         See Quartz Pillar (Crystal Library remnants from the fall of Ivendall)(Wizard Avandariel)
o    Top of Pillar holds ashes of previous monarchs
·         See Tapestry of the Red Dragon
·         Steal the Royal Roll Book while Rire is making an unnecessary distraction
-Return to inn
-sneak to castle in middle of the night and steal Royal Treasury Seal
·         Escape
-give seal to Estal, who hands over writs
-Return to tavern and send missive to Esdeaths
-arcane manacle bonds broken
-1050 gp given for the book (380 per person)
-5000 Exp given (level up quantity) end session
19th: Morning
·         Receive gunsmith box back from Esdeaths
·         Velve is given alchemical bullets as well for payment
o    A way for Esdeath to try to lure Velve into working for her
o    Liz and Rire sign contracts to work for Esdeaths, their contracts bought from Madrigal, Velve remains with Madrigal
o    Supplies are bought before inevitable journey
·         Liz promises Esdeaths the way to getting into the Library of Persus (map)
-Leaving towards the Library by way of River Tassend
·         Take 5.5 days going down the river
·         Leave mid-day
25th Arrive @ Library of Persus
-trade Zilvra’s red book for the Trumpet and Lodestone for Fidget
26th: Leave for Port Venn
28th: Arrive in Port Venn
-supply Horn and Lodestone to Fidget who parts with information willingly
·         Hidden entrances to the Underdark still open are in the Mountains near Keth; lead to Sekemina and Narvoth
-meet Fidellus (human) and Kyri (half elf?)
-receive 7845 Exp total session ends
-Called to Madrigal’s Estate
-speak with Madrigal
·         Raves about two of his going with Esdeaths (political enemy)
·         Has book that was missing from library for Fidget; forces promise not to tell
·         Knows about gun kit, promises not to tell in exchange for forced promise
·         In return Velve receives stipend (20 gp p/wk)
·         Madrigal will look into info on other Drow (Angela)
·         Velve must get madrigal a dagger or find Hall of Candles
·         Madrigal will look for a male Drow as a helper
29th: Leave for Basilica
5th of Mezurah: Arrive in Basilica
-Greeted by Cassandra (succubus/previously stripper); given tour of grounds as best as ability can provide
-told about grisly murders in city in past months:
·         Murdered have no connection to anyone at all
·         Murders are brutal – limbs ripped apart from bodies, possible torture, etc.
·         Can’t resurrect bodies or souls
·         Divination and necromancy doesn’t work either
·         All procurers of magical goods found in the ruins
·         5 in Ferandis
·         17 in Terith’an
·         3 so far in Mezurah
·         All goods left in possession return to the Kingdom’s general property to be liquidated
·         Nothing appears to be taken from the scenes, so they are not robberies
·         All of the people who were killed paid extremely well for items
·         People now send to Amaranth for Bishop Body guards
-from local Architects Guild ???? maps stolen:
·         City of Sunder
·         ????? (unledge-able)
·         Mountains of Lance
·         Pernishia before the Sorceress Wars
·         Coast Line
-receive map of murders in Basilica for past five years
6th: Return to Gibraltar’s to rest for the day
7th: Journey to the Library entrance filled with Zombies
8th: Evening – Arrive at Zombie Library, break way through boarded up entrance
-delve into caved in cavern
-find section of city not crushed; avoid zombies and ceiling squids
·         Hitch and lock donkey in house
-find secret door and escape through cave passage way
·         Find secret room with Void Zombies and strange tentacle Iron beast
·         Lock secret passage down and avoid beast and zombies again
-find two doors, one with a large spade, one with a large club
·         Spade door opens
-605 exp end session
-Down the spade hallway find door with Drow trapped inside named Eptael
-Rire casts shatter on the door releasing Eptael
-find room on other side that looks like a bedroom with a magical mirror that is Eptael’s sister trapped int here
·         She will only respond to questions asked in verse
·         Receive notes about the door that led to the black vaults
·         (insert visions here)
-find trapdoor on the other side of the room that leads down, rest
9th: find stairs that lead down to a large cavern
·         Find large cave filled with webs
·         Trapped by large Arcane Dream Spider (casts illusions on the victims until dead)
·         Kill spider
-rest to heal con damage caused by spider venom
10th: Find way into large cavern with floating areas connected by bridges, start to make way across